CADR: The Key to Air Purifier Performance

Written By: Dr Fahad Yasin

When it comes to air purifiers, the key to understanding their performance lies in the acronym CADR, which stands for Cleaning Air Delivery Rate. Unraveling this industry jargon can make all the difference in choosing the right air purifier for your needs. So, let’s delve into the depths of CADR and unlock its secrets.

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The Birth of CADR

In the early 1980s, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) gave birth to CADR – a standardized rating that measures the efficiency of air purifiers. This international benchmark became the yardstick by which air purifiers are judged, providing consumers with a tangible metric to assess the devices’ capabilities.

Measuring the Air Cleaning Prowess

The CADR rating evaluates how swiftly an air purifier can purify the air within a confined space. To determine this, laboratories or test centers initiate a zero measurement, then unleash the air purifier, meticulously observing the time it takes to achieve a complete air purification. The result is a clear, quantifiable figure that represents the purifier’s cleaning prowess.

CADR: Decoding the Numbers

Akin to deciphering an enigma, CADR ratings reveal a tripartite structure, each component addressing specific contaminants:

  • Fine Dust (CADR 10-400)
  • Pollen (CADR 25-400)
  • Smoke (CADR 10-450)
These numbers represent the range of cubic meters per hour (m3/h) within which the air purifier operates, removing the respective contaminants from the air.

The True Significance of CADR

CADR has assumed a pivotal role in guiding consumers towards informed choices. While a higher CADR value often indicates a more robust performance, it is more than just an arbitrary number. Understanding the context behind the numbers is vital, for it can illuminate whether an air purifier is tailored to meet your specific needs.

Matching CADR with Individual Requirements

By grasping the essence of CADR, one can ascertain the optimal air purification frequency, matching it to individual requirements. For instance:

  • For basic cleaning needs, the air purifier should perform a complete purification twice an hour.
  • Allergy sufferers may demand a more thorough cleansing, necessitating a 3.5-time hourly purification.
  • Individuals grappling with asthma may benefit from a fourfold hourly cleansing of the room’s air.

The Intersection of CADR and Room Size

The crucial interplay between CADR and room size cannot be overlooked. Once aware of the area to be covered, consumers can cross-reference it with the CADR rating, gaining invaluable insights into the device’s suitability for their space.

The Bigger Picture of Air Purification

Beyond mere numbers, CADR unlocks the bigger picture of air purification. Armed with this knowledge, consumers can make educated decisions, ensuring the air purifier they choose aligns with their specific requirements, affording a breath of fresh air in a world inundated with pollutants.


CADR – Cleaning Air Delivery Rate: is the linchpin of air purifier performance. Developed by AHAM, it measures the air purifier’s efficiency in cubic meters per hour. Grasping the nuances of CADR empowers consumers to make well-informed choices, matching their individual requirements with the air purifier’s capabilities. CADR transcends mere numbers, offering a holistic perspective on air purification and a breath of fresh air in an increasingly polluted world.

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